Our Dealer Locator

The Dealer Locator will help you find the Hurley Marine Dealer closest to you, simply enter your address or zip/postal code.

We have Hurley Marine Product Dealers Hurley Dealer Bulb  and Distributors Hurley Distributor Bulb around the world and are adding more dealers all the time. Learn more about becoming a dealer.

Make Sure it says “HURLEY” . . . Made in Michigan, Sold Globally!

For all EU inquiries please contact:

GMAGlobal Marine Associates Ltd
Phone: +44 (0) 1329 663414
Email: info@gmaeurope.com
www: www.globalmarine.eu.com

Enter an address or zip code and click the find locations button.

Become A Dealer

Hurley Marine, Inc. is on the lookout for serious marine-minded businesses interested in becoming a dealer. We are in an aggressive expansion from our base in the Great Lakes and we’re looking for dealers to carry Hurley Marine Products globally.

Authorized Hurley Dealers have the ability to capitalize on Hurley Marine Products that have global branding. Our dealers sell our proven product lines that appeal to a variety of customer groups who are looking for world-renowned quality.  Hurley Dealers are also backed by a dedicated, dependable, and highly trained service staff to help you address the needs and demands of today’s consumers.