Trim Tab Lights. You and Your Boat Deserve the Best Design!
1. First and foremost, by using Trim Tab Lights there is no penetration to the hull below the waterline. The only hole is a small 1/4″ hole through the transom above the water-line for the power cable. This design does not jeopardize the integrity of the hull as thru-hull lights do. Thru-hull lights require large holes below the waterline and boast that the lamp can be replace from inside the boat. Unfortunately most of us don’t have the room in our engine room to perform this maneuver.
2. A perfect designed underwater lighting system should be easily attached to the top-side of your trim tabs and adaptable to most leveling systems without having to drill a lot of holes in the tabs.
3. Underwater Lights mounted to your Trim Tabs are now fully adjustable (up and down) by using your trim controls.
4. Polyvinyl Chloride (pvc) light housings should be carefully considered. PVC housings are tough, chemically resistant synthetic resin made by polymerizing vinyl chloride. This material makes them very lightweight and corrosion and electrolysis resistant.
5. Cheaper is not always better . . . The more expensive lights will produce more light output which will make it perfect for night fishing, diving, swimming, dinghy launch/retrieval or just for ambiance . . .
Illuminate the Aquatic World Below!